Thursday, 6 December 2012

Toys back in the pram!!!

After the 'goings on' back in the summer my toys have been picked back up and I am ready to get back into the blog. I wont be blogging much about my ringing activities as that will be staying on Twitter (@pauleele) as you can't get into much trouble with only 140 characters!!

So why the return...?
Well, after several years doing yearlists at Titchwell I was wanting to stay local to home and have my own patch where there was nobody else birding and the birds are all mine to find. Along came the @patchbirding account on Twitter and an idea was born.

So welcome to the patch.Centred around the village of Sculthorpe it is a mix of farmland, woodland, gardens and some poor quality heathland in Syderstone Common.
Most of the patch can be covered on foot although there are a few roads for a quick boot around before and after work when necessary. I have looked around the area since living here but not really given is much attention but there is already a good species list. Marsh tit and turtle breed on the common and I have seen red kite, stone curlew, little owl, common buzzard and firecrest in the area in the past. Ringing in the garden will hopefully bring in a few sculking species.

Thats is for now, roll on January 1st...

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