Saturday, 2 October 2010

Working today but the compensation was that the reserve was hooching with birds. Had to put up a new sign out on the path so took the opportunity to count the fresh marsh. With the water levels low all summer it has allowed lots of new vegetation to grow. Now the water levels are coming up and the plants have set seed, the ducks are loving it. Teal are around in massive numbers and I had 863 on the fresh marsh alone and didn't include the backs of the islands I couldn't see. I am sure there was the best part of 1000 birds making it the 2nd highest count for the reserve. Also about were 60+ pintal, 363 golden plover and stil 2 little stints. Stars of the day were the bearded tits. With the nice weather birds were 'erupting' all over the place and 40-50 birds were showing well in small groups. Had a quick chat with one of our recent staff (not sure where all his hair has gone - probably been rubbed off by a thumb) and spent the rest of the day with paperwork.
Got a call just before 5, 'do you want to process a green woody?' Dropped into see Kevin who had just caught this young female green woodpecker - a nice end to the day

1 comment:

  1. I thought the come-back would be quick! Good to see you today, we saw 2-3 lap bunts flyover the bm and had a fairly late whimbrel in off to add to your records. All the best- Ben
